The abrupt departure of ali a.

In the shadow of the nordbrucke, just a good goalkeeper’s tee shot away from bayern kitzingen’s sports home and main playing field, lies the club’s training ground. Here it stands, the lonely cypress. Not an attraction like the famous lone cypress that rises from the middle of a barren rock on the californian coast, but – if you can find it – a symbol, planted this summer by three kitzingen boys. They were advised not to put them anywhere else.

In germany you can’t plant a tree everywhere. So they put him on the club land – and accepted that there, among all the native grasses and bushes, he would look like a foreigner. The heat has taken its toll on the little tree, it looks badly battered – and yet it is supposed to be a reminder and a symbol: for the transplantation of a young man to a location that is foreign and hostile to him, for a policy that raises questions and, from the point of view of the three kitzingen friends, draws the wrong conclusions.

Fight against rowdy behavior: new club service in nurnberg for more safety and order

Fight against rowdy behavior: new club service in nurnberg for more safety and order

Mullsunders, reckless dog owners, cyclists in pedestrian zones: ten uniformed municipal employees will support the police in nurnberg in the fight against rowdy behavior in the future. As the city announced on friday, the initially seven colleagues of the new communal cleaning service are to keep an eye on irregularities.

In addition to the city center, they are also to control the grill zones seven days a week. The number of employees is to be increased to ten next year. From the beginning of december, their area of operation will initially include the old city ring road and will be expanded later on.

City youth band presents itself in the elementary schools

In the coming school year, the stadtjugendkapelle (SJK) herzogenaurach will once again be offering the opportunity to take part in wind classes. To this end, concerts were held on monday at the elementary schools in herzogenaurach. In addition, the little ones showed what playing together in an orchestra looks like at the open rehearsal of the junior band on wednesday, according to a press report of the city youth band.

At the concerts, the schoolchildren were able to experience how different instruments sound and, above all, how they sound together. The blower classes are offered in cooperation with the schools. Children and parents benefit from the fact that the individual or. Group lessons take place directly in the schools. The project gives the children the opportunity to learn an instrument of the "symphonic wind orchestra" under expert guidance to learn and play in an orchestra yourself. For this, various woodwind instruments such as transverse flute, clarinet, saxophone and brass instruments such as horn, trumpet, trombone, euphonium and tuba are presented, from which the children can choose their favorite instrument.

Journalists complain about incarceration in china

Journalists complain about incarceration in china

"Police and state security continue to obstruct our work and blatantly threaten not to ask for our visas if we are over "sensitive" topics report", it says in the letter published on sunday. In may, for example, the american journalist melissa chan was forced to leave the country.

The appeal to the chancellor was also prompted by a series of recent attacks on foreign journalists. The foreign correspondents’ clubs in beijing, shanghai and hong kong have issued a statement expressing alarm at incidents of journalists being threatened, harassed and even beaten: "we call on all authorities to ensure that journalists are protected from violence and incarceration."Two weeks ago, an ARD television crew was attacked by agitated workers, accused of spying and held for nine hours.

Children experience the forest habitat with all their senses

More than 20 children from the district of kronach and two children even from the district of weibenburg accepted the invitation to the youth forest home lauenstein for the vacation camp of the arbeiterwohlfahrt (awo). Under the motto "forest for all – all for the forest"!" They experienced an adventurous and educational vacation week. The leaders of the youth center peter and melanie schwarzmeier informed the children how important the forest is for everyone, be it for the climate, as a building material, for clean water, for good air, for firewood, for erosion protection and, what is especially important for the kids, also for playing. In the course of the week, they worked out what can be done for the forest.

As a first action huts were built and also a rough hut, in which eight people could spend the night. On the second day followed a dragon rally, where teamwork was required. In a workshop, people could give free rein to their creativity as they pleased. Once again, a theater play was performed, for which costumes, stage design and props were created. For a common dinner in the forest, pizza dough was prepared, the wood-burning oven was heated, tomato and herb sauce was prepared, and blackberries collected in the forest were cooked into jam and used as a filling for leaf dough. The children were very enthusiastic. What was new this year was that all supervisors and children could spend the night in their self-made huts under the starry sky in the middle of the forest.

Outstanding achievements of young wildflecken burgers honored

Outstanding achievements of young wildflecken burgers honored

The appreciation of young people’s educational and professional successes was on the agenda of the wildflecken market town council. "A very pleasing occasion", said mayor gerd kleinhenz (PWW): "it’s always something special to do the honors in a public setting like this."

After graduating from high school, marina lochner began training in local retail with a focus on e-learning. After just one and a half years, the vocational diploma was passed with rough success, and now further training to become a commercial specialist is also in the offing. Jelana hohmann-jung has already received a state award for her excellent performance in her training as a retail saleswoman. Mayor kleinhenz also expressed his congratulations on behalf of the municipality. Matteo beck and sophia trump were honored for their outstanding results in the abitur exam. "In times of shortage of skilled workers, these achievements cannot be overestimated."

New construction area takes the next hurdle

The kitzingen city council had to make numerous decisions at its meeting on thursday evening. Security in the city’s data exchange played the most important role in the presentation by head of department wolfgang zurrlein and his colleague christian stark from the IT department. Her proposal to connect the offices to the central servers in the city hall with a fiber-optic cable was unanimously approved by the committee.

Fire department: one deputy remains

The city council had to make a decision about the number of deputy commanders in the volunteer fire department. The on 16. October’s resolution, which entrusted this decision to the fire department to appoint one or two deputies, was not admissible. This decision was annulled. After the majority spoke out against the election of two deputies (7:19), the previous rule with one deputy continues to exist.

Coronavirus: traffic flows through wuhan again

Coronavirus: traffic flows through wuhan again

After a long standstill, traffic is finally flowing again in china’s epicenter of the corona pandemic: tens of thousands of people returned to the city of wuhan, which is home to millions, after train connections resumed over the weekend.

On saturday alone, 60.000 people who had been stranded elsewhere because of the blockade re-entered the city, the news website "the paper" reported, citing the railroads. The subway was also running again.

The animal shelter is happy about 2500 euro

The animal shelter is happy about 2500 euro

It was an unusual idea: donations instead of prasente. That was the wish of christian waasner (company waasner) from forchheim. The occasion was his 75th birthday. Birthday on 17. December 2018. Christian waasner did without presents and had already asked his guests in advance for donations for a good cause. And the congratulators complied with his request. So was the 75. Not only did the artist celebrate his birthday in style, but also the sum of 2500 euros was collected.

The animal shelter in forchheim was pleased with this donation. "I think the money is very well spent here", waasner is sure. According to his wish, it will be used mainly for the "cat department". Together with birgit waasner and kristina strohschein, he now presented the amount of 2500 euros in the form of a check to marianne wende. She is the chairwoman of the shelter and was very happy about this generous donation "which is not so self-evident". During a tour, waaser was then able to convince himself of the dedicated work of the animal shelter team and wende gave an insight into the everyday life of the small lovable residents. At the moment there are 17 dogs, four rabbits, one canary and 16 cats, which are accommodated. "We place the animals very well, not only the older ones, but also take them back if it doesn’t work out," recalls, paid turn, which is grateful for every donation, since an expansion of the shelter is also planned in the near future. Heidi amon

Bavaria to crack down on islamists with electronic restraints

Bavaria to crack down on islamists with electronic restraints

In the fight against islamists, bavaria and hesse advocate the use of electronic restraints. "Extremist criminals who have been in prison for at least one year and are still considered dangerous after their imprisonment should be allowed to be monitored using electronic restraints", hesse’s justice minister eva kuhne-hormann (CDU) told the "frankfurter allgemeine zeitung" (SATURDAY].

Bavaria’s justice minister, winfried bausback (CSU), also considers this to be "effective in the fight against terrorism under criminal law," according to the report necessary. Bausback wants to put the issue on the agenda of the conference of justice ministers at the beginning of june, the paper writes.