Coronavirus: traffic flows through wuhan again

Coronavirus: traffic flows through wuhan again

After a long standstill, traffic is finally flowing again in china’s epicenter of the corona pandemic: tens of thousands of people returned to the city of wuhan, which is home to millions, after train connections resumed over the weekend.

On saturday alone, 60.000 people who had been stranded elsewhere because of the blockade re-entered the city, the news website "the paper" reported, citing the railroads. The subway was also running again.

According to the official xinhua news agency, 12.000 people on high-speed trains to city hit hard by corona pandemic. Until 8. April, however, is only allowed to enter wuhan. Only then can chinese people leave the city of more than ten million inhabitants again.

Wuhan was on 23. January was completely sealed off. Initially, only the departure was no longer allowed. Gradually, the rules were tightened. Finally, no one was allowed on the trams anymore. In the entire province of hubei, 60 million people were effectively under forced quarantine. Airports resumed operations in large parts of central china province on sunday.

Local transmission of the virus in china has virtually stopped, local authorities said on sunday. For the first time since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, virtually no new local infections were reported nationwide last week.

China’s health commission announced that the virus had been detected in 45 more people. However, 44 of them had only recently entered the people’s republic. The only new local infection was in henan province. According to official figures, the number of fatalities is 3300 – including more than 2500 in wuhan alone. In total, more than 80 people were injured.000 infected registered.

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