Airfield in slow climb

Airfield in slow climb

The starting field for the kitzingen airfield plan seems to be freeing up all at once. The first push came on thursday evening in the finance committee, which gave a positive signal by a basic resolution – with twelve votes against two – the long desired special landing pad: this would be a one-time (economic) request with a maximum of 300,000 euros. The city council will decide on 12 february whether the new airport will be built. December.

The revival of the airfield on the land of the "connekt" technology park (formerly harvey barracks) is going differently than planned in 2010: the city is no longer part of the once planned municipal government operation. The operator of the special landing field is to be the air sports club (LSC), the investor is the owner of the "connekt" land (200 hectares), iphofen-based blumquadrat gmbh.

The charming thing – for kitzingen – about the blumquadrat model: kitzingen was spared annual operating costs of around 50,000 euros. And the city will only pay the subsidy of a maximum of 300,000 euros, according to oberburg mayor siegfried muller, if the aviation office of northern bavaria grants permission for the landing field.

Fundamental critic was once again KIK faction leader klaus christof. He lacked any proof "whether the facility is in the public interest". But if the city still wanted to invest 300,000 euros in the airfield, the data on the traffic concept had to be significantly improved: above all, information was missing on environmental issues or on air traffic alarms.

One sticking point for a rapid reopening of the airfield is financing. According to blumquadrat, the whole project will cost around 650,000 euros (including 300,000 euros from the city). However, the company will only make the money available if income comes in through the sale of "connekt" properties, as managing director markus blum emphasized. His problem: the development plan is still a long time coming.

Insists on regulations

The open pressure of the blumquadrat manager does not leave OB muller cold, but he insists in the committee on compliance with building regulations: "we will not turn a blind eye to the special landing site from a legal point of view."

The same applies to the air office of northern bavaria. The official launch permit will not be issued until the ordnance issue has been settled in a legally sound manner. According to muller, the approval procedure, which has been dormant for a long time, does not have to be started from scratch. There will be a shortened procedure.

Worries in the committee that a basic yes to the 300,000 euro subsidy from the city council would bind the city, were dispelled by legal councilor susanne schmoger. When the decision on 12. The decision was made on december, but all the details still had to be negotiated. The decision has no effect on auben.

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