A blow with the coal shovel

It is impossible to overlook the fact that this is a family dispute – the rift runs right through the courtroom, so to speak. Both parties sit neatly separated from each other, direct eye contact is avoided as much as possible.

They have not talked to each other for a long time. To be precise: since 9. March 2012. At that time, a permanent dispute reached its climax. Place of the event: a house where the grandparents lived on the second floor and the granddaughter and her family on the first floor. Stress there was apparently already for a long time, mostly it was about money.

All the enjoyment under one roof

All the enjoyment under one roof

Erich schmitt experienced the development of the raiffeisen banks in the district of kitzingen at first hand. When he was elected chairman of the board in 1972, the previously independent raiffeisen facilities in rodelsee and kleinlangheim had already been merged with groblangheim. A new building was not to be erected in groblangheim; the bank decided to partially rebuild the former ten barn. It was the time when the merchandise business that had existed until then was abandoned due to competition. The raiffeisenbank kitzinger land looked back on these and many other stories at its 135th anniversary celebration, which took place on friday evening in groblangheim.
"There were no cutbacks until the merger with obernbreit", erich schmitt recalls, and also names the reason: the money disbursed was to remain in the villages. First, there was the rough question of which raiffeisenbank groblangheim should merge with: wiesentheid or kitzingen. However, the choice fell on obernbreit, which presented itself as similarly well positioned. Erich schmitt still led the negotiations for the unification, but then he did not stand for re-election in 1999 after 27 years as chairman of the board of directors. "The important thing for me was that it continued. I was a cooperative member through and through."
For schmitt, the year that has now almost come to an end was certainly an important one – as bank director albrecht hack explained at the ceremony, it was the international year of cooperatives. For the bank, this was also a reason to celebrate the unusual 135th anniversary of its founding. "The roots lie in groblangheim, when 85 men and women joined on 15. December 1877 did justice to the spirit of new movements at the time", hack outlined the basic idea of the time: what one person can't do, many can. Today, raiffeisenbank kitzinger land has 3680 members.
For alexander buchel, the value of cooperatives lies in their intangible assets – as keynote speaker, the member of the executive board of the bavarian cooperative association named solidarity, regionality and cooperative spirit as the most important building blocks. 1877 had certainly not been an easy time, given the economic stagnation, because the social security systems had only been introduced later. Some burghers followed friedrich wilhelm raiffeisen's idea and founded the credit union, since no help could be expected from auben. "The cooperative form was not chosen without reason, because it meant that concrete problems could be alleviated together." It was mostly about small loans.
The bank had done well with this decision for 135 years, coping very well with two world wars, two economic reforms, several forms of government, and the division of germany. The bank always kept up with the times and joined forces with other raiffeisen loan societies – but never at the expense of regional development. Thanks to the cooperative banks as partners of the economy, the national economy has coped far better with crises than is the case in other countries, even though their entrepreneurs have also encountered difficulties.
Buchel raised the question of whether banks were still desirable in view of the increasing number of banks coming from berlin and brussels, because big banks and raiffeisen banks were treated equally. This put a strain on the mainly regionally active SME banks, even though they had ensured stability in the past.

Actively confronting poverty
The idea behind the plan to found a loan association was to combat poverty by forming solidarity cooperatives, reported bank director reinhold weber. It is particularly noteworthy that seven women were among the founding members, although they did not have the right to vote at that time. The as "association was incorporated into the cooperative system in 1919. It granted loans of between 30 and 2000 reichsmarks to pay for purchases and repairs. "This has remained the case until today – only the amounts are higher", weber remarked. In the loan association kleinlangheim, founded in 1909, there had been higher loans, because there was a little more prosperity there. After the mergers, the business volume was twelve million marks and reached a value of 87 million marks by 2001. When the bank merged to form raiffeisenbank kitzinger land in 2003, its business volume was already 140 million marks. Weber's look back illustrated the courage of the people of the region to face economic hardship in a community of solidarity.
With this impressive success story, district administrator tamara bischof felt that 135 years was reason enough to celebrate. "After a period of doubt, the cooperative model is now in again, because it shows that cooperatives can work." Unlike big banks, savings banks and cooperative banks in particular are still rooted in the countryside as partners of municipalities and companies.
Hack and weber had already honored 72 members for 25, 50 and 60 years of membership. During the ceremony, the mayors of rodelsee, burkhard klein, and obernbreit, bernhard bruckner, were awarded certificates for many years of loyalty. Rodelsee has belonged to today's bank for 80 years, obernbreit already for 90 years. "Both villagers recognized even then that striving forward together is the future", noted hack.
The celebration was musically framed by the kaffeehausensemble eitel with soprano Eva Hajkova endres.

Eu special summit to decide dispute over spending

Eu special summit to decide dispute over spending

The special summit on the EU’s financial planning for the years 2014 to 2020 is intended to avoid a situation in which the dispute over spending, with a ceiling of around one billion euros, dominates the next regular EU summit on 18 december./19. October in brussel overshadowed, said EU diplomats in brussel. Presumably, the summit will take place in the second half of november.

Cypriot european minister mavroyiannis said the council presidency in september wants to identify options for a compromise between net contributor countries and those receiving eu funds. For the first time, figures are to be included in the negotiating document. This will "eventually be discussed by heads of state and government, most likely at an extraordinary meeting in november.".

The abrupt departure of ali a.

In the shadow of the nordbrucke, just a good goalkeeper’s tee shot away from bayern kitzingen’s sports home and main playing field, lies the club’s training ground. Here it stands, the lonely cypress. Not an attraction like the famous lone cypress that rises from the middle of a barren rock on the californian coast, but – if you can find it – a symbol, planted this summer by three kitzingen boys. They were advised not to put them anywhere else.

In germany you can’t plant a tree everywhere. So they put him on the club land – and accepted that there, among all the native grasses and bushes, he would look like a foreigner. The heat has taken its toll on the little tree, it looks badly battered – and yet it is supposed to be a reminder and a symbol: for the transplantation of a young man to a location that is foreign and hostile to him, for a policy that raises questions and, from the point of view of the three kitzingen friends, draws the wrong conclusions.

The animal shelter is happy about 2500 euro

The animal shelter is happy about 2500 euro

It was an unusual idea: donations instead of prasente. That was the wish of christian waasner (company waasner) from forchheim. The occasion was his 75th birthday. Birthday on 17. December 2018. Christian waasner did without presents and had already asked his guests in advance for donations for a good cause. And the congratulators complied with his request. So was the 75. Not only did the artist celebrate his birthday in style, but also the sum of 2500 euros was collected.

The animal shelter in forchheim was pleased with this donation. "I think the money is very well spent here", waasner is sure. According to his wish, it will be used mainly for the "cat department". Together with birgit waasner and kristina strohschein, he now presented the amount of 2500 euros in the form of a check to marianne wende. She is the chairwoman of the shelter and was very happy about this generous donation "which is not so self-evident". During a tour, waaser was then able to convince himself of the dedicated work of the animal shelter team and wende gave an insight into the everyday life of the small lovable residents. At the moment there are 17 dogs, four rabbits, one canary and 16 cats, which are accommodated. "We place the animals very well, not only the older ones, but also take them back if it doesn’t work out," recalls, paid turn, which is grateful for every donation, since an expansion of the shelter is also planned in the near future. Heidi amon

The tricks of the scammers

Shock callers want to take their victims by surprise, and sometimes they succeed. Often especially seniors are cheated out of high amounts of money. But other scams – often in the area of cybercrime – also regularly call the police to the scene.
If a shock caller should contact you, the polizeiprasidium unterfranken advises: do not let any strangers into your home. Be suspicious of people on the phone claiming to be relatives or acquaintances who do not know you, and do not reveal details of your family or financial circumstances. During the phone call, ask for personal details that only your relative can answer. Call the known number of your relative. If in doubt, involve family members or the police without delay. Never hand over money or valuables. Other tricks of the scammers:

1. A classic scam is the promise of a prize, which is delivered by letter, e-mail or telephone call. The catch: before the winnings can be paid out, an amount must be transferred to an account. In the case of mails containing promises such as "you are a winner"!" The police therefore advise caution.

Airfield in slow climb

Airfield in slow climb

The starting field for the kitzingen airfield plan seems to be freeing up all at once. The first push came on thursday evening in the finance committee, which gave a positive signal by a basic resolution – with twelve votes against two – the long desired special landing pad: this would be a one-time (economic) request with a maximum of 300,000 euros. The city council will decide on 12 february whether the new airport will be built. December.

The revival of the airfield on the land of the "connekt" technology park (formerly harvey barracks) is going differently than planned in 2010: the city is no longer part of the once planned municipal government operation. The operator of the special landing field is to be the air sports club (LSC), the investor is the owner of the "connekt" land (200 hectares), iphofen-based blumquadrat gmbh.

Munnerstadt: historic roof truss causes headaches

There is good news. The static stabilization of the north facade of the parish church, a basic prerequisite for the further renovation of the church, has already been completed. The bulge on the north side of the church facade, which has been visible for years, can no longer continue to expand and thus damage the masonry. However, this small belly remains visible.

The masonry has been stabilized by means of a ring anchor and so-called needle anchors. 60 such needle anchors now connect the double-shell masonry, explains architect ralf alsheimer of architekturburo grellmann, kriebel und teichmann. The new ring anchoring, which is to improve the entire statics, is clearly visible in the roof truss, which is currently exposed.

Kaiserdisplay opens location in bad bruckenau

On the first day of work, there is cake. "My wife baked it", betrayal hans kaiser, who together with her – mandy golenz – runs kaiserdisplay gmbh. Kaiser has taken on around 50 new employees in bad bruckenau. 14 of them work full time, 16 part time and 18 as temporary help. They pack articles from clearasil, veet or lacura. In chord.

One of them is alexandra martin. She sits on a chair and folds. Small bows made of cardboard wander through their nimble hands. And when she is finished with them, another box falls into the box with her tubes to be filled. Filled with creams, powder or lipstick. Depending on what is at hand. Because what smiles at the customer from every supermarket shelf has often traveled around the world. The last stop on this journey is bad bruckenau.

Breakneck odyssey

Just under a year ago, a 48-year-old man from the district of bamberg was to be tried in the court of offences for a spectacular chase. At that time, the presiding judge gudrun goller failed due to a sick main prosecution witness. Michael herbst fared little better and had to suspend the proceedings again. Another charge is to be added. For the defendant this probably means that he can no longer hope for a preservation.

Open warrant

The vehicle embezzled; the license plates stolen; drugs in the bag. Fur ansgar F. (name changed) there were good reasons to speed away from the unexpected police check one noon in march 2018. But the most important reason was an open arrest warrant. The 48-year-old man was supposed to be in jail for 14 months. Only he did not show up there, despite being asked to do so. He preferred to drive around and get crystal meth from a well-known dealer.