Kaiserdisplay opens location in bad bruckenau

On the first day of work, there is cake. "My wife baked it", betrayal hans kaiser, who together with her – mandy golenz – runs kaiserdisplay gmbh. Kaiser has taken on around 50 new employees in bad bruckenau. 14 of them work full time, 16 part time and 18 as temporary help. They pack articles from clearasil, veet or lacura. In chord.

One of them is alexandra martin. She sits on a chair and folds. Small bows made of cardboard wander through their nimble hands. And when she is finished with them, another box falls into the box with her tubes to be filled. Filled with creams, powder or lipstick. Depending on what is at hand. Because what smiles at the customer from every supermarket shelf has often traveled around the world. The last stop on this journey is bad bruckenau.

An example: the tubes in which the powder of the brand lacura, light complexion color, is filled, come from the far east. Naturally empty. And of course without packaging, because it takes up space and space is money on the container ships that move products on the oceans of the globalized world. The doschen is being filled in baden-wurttemberg. The boxes in which the powder is sold are produced by a print shop in wurzburg, germany. And then alexandra martin comes and puts up the boxes. One by one.

Opportunity for the long-term unemployed
The work looks dull, boring. But the job means "a lot" to her, says martin. "It's a new chance in bad bruckenau", says the 43-year-old and adds what everyone without a driver's license and car has long known. That you can't get a job if you're not mobile. Or just very difficult. "We got the people out of unemployment", says kaiser. When selecting employees, the company deliberately made sure to give older people, single mothers or disadvantaged people a chance. For example heike holletzek from volkers.

With gestures and individual words, the disobedient woman communicates with the others. Originally, holletzek had once learned close to home. After moving to rhon 15 years ago and having two children, she had a hard time finding her way back to her profession. Now she earns some extra money working part-time at kaiserdisplay.

But people are talking in bad bruckenau. He is asked on the street why he hires people at dumping prices, kaiser says. In fact, his people do not earn much. Kaiser pays seven euros an hour – if the piecework is right. "That's realistic, he says and praises the high motivation of the bruckenau teams. Not all employees work like this. The fact that people are talking also has to do with the location in haiger.

A last-minute decision
The partner company kaiserdisplay copacking gbr has been operating a location there since 2011. Previously, the company was active for two years in sinn. Both places are in the lahn-dill-county in hesse. In haiger, losses were made, reports kaiser. The quality wasn't always right, either, so the company considered packaging cosmetic products in the bathroom to relocate bruckenau.

So far the plan. Due to several unforeseen events, the management decided otherwise. Now they are looking for a smaller hall in haiger, the main production will take place in bad bruckenau. "That's not my style, to work like that", kaiser apologizes for improvised start. But he had to make a decision at short notice.

The fact that this decision is now affecting the start of the trial in bad bruckenau "hit me pretty hard," he said, says kaiser. The motivation of the employees, which the boss praises so much, can be felt in the production hall. "We try to give the people here a bit of stability", says Kaiser.

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