Increased crime rate: nurnberg relies on new sheriff’s deputies

Increased crime rate: nurnberg relies on new sheriff's deputies

Relief can be felt at the CSU. After many years of begging, pestering and waiting, the nuremberg SPD has finally given in on the issue of the police. On the "prosecution of regulatory offenses in the city" the coarse town hall bunch soon wants to become new "helper sheriffs patrolling the urban jungle.

Recently, there had been repeated incidents in nurnberg. Among other things, a young woman was last sexually assaulted in the konigstorpassage.

The issue is obviously so sensitive that details are still being kept quiet. The deputy mayors klemens gsell (CSU) and christian vogel (SPD) will not present the details of the new security concept until friday. Officially, all that is known so far is that vogel and gsell have developed an "implementation concept" will present the introduction of a uniformed, qualified and municipal service for order, safety and cleanliness.

"Detect criminal acts at an early stage"

After the last municipal elections, the two partners in the city hall had agreed in principle in their cooperation agreement on the expansion of the city's control possibilities. In february of this year, the grand coalition presented a joint motion on the subject for the first time. In it, the leaders of the two parties, anja prolb-kammerer for the SPD and sebastian brehm for the CSU, formulated the task.

Attack with broken glass bottle on 23-year-old in nurnberg's konigstorpassage

The goal of municipal law enforcement officers should be "to recognize security incidents and the initiation of criminal acts at an early stage and to report them to the responsible security forces". The subjective feeling of security of the citizens should be "significantly strengthened" become. In the paper, both leaders of the parliamentary group acknowledged that both "the prevention and the punishment of offenses" are of great importance a task for the town of nurnberg.

Additional revenue from bollocks

Four years ago, the CSU failed with its sole proposal to introduce a public order service. In fact, the city did not collect any regulatory fees, criticized CSU faction leader sebastian brehm at the time, who has always been a particularly vocal advocate for the municipal protectors. The municipality's control activity would generate "adequate additional revenue" to be expected. By handing out tickets, for example for soiling with dog excrement or urinating in public places, the public order police would practically finance themselves, brehm argued in his failed motion back in 2013.

In the meantime, the SPD has apparently changed its mind. Nurnberg can take an example from the neighboring town of furth. After augsburg and regensburg, the city of kleeblatt was the third bavarian municipality to introduce a municipal public order service in the summer of 2009. Four uniformed police officers are currently on patrol in furth. In contrast to the familiar security guard, the members of the public order service in furth have sovereign powers. In the event of an emergency, the public order officers with the blue uniform and the inscription "kommunaler ordnungsdienst" (municipal public order service) can be called in also issue orders and initiate bubgeldverfahren. As in furth, the police in nurnberg will probably work in close cooperation with the local police department.

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