Olympic champion loch heads for overall world cup victory

olympic champion loch heads for overall world cup victory

"Things are going very well at the moment. I can be completely satisfied," said the berchtesgadener after the eighth world cup success of his still young career. Loch now has the best chance of becoming the first german luger to win the overall title since georg hackl’s triumph 22 years ago. "Felix is already very far ahead," said hackl. "Who wants to beat him roughly now?"

In the place of his first world championship triumph, loch set a clear best time in the first run. In the decisive run, he then brought the victory home safely. David moller in second and andi langenhan in third made the third triple success of the german men in the world championship winter perfect. The italian old master armin zoggeler remained only the fourth place.

"Everything fits with me at the moment: shape, sled, start. The world cup can come," said the berchtesgadener loch. Even moller, who had often shown nerves in oberhof in the past, was "super satisfied with both runs and the best competition of the season".

Afterwards the german lugers celebrated a perfect end in oberhof with the victory in the team relay. Natalie geisenberger, felix loch as well as the doubles toni eggert and sascha benecken made a superior success in the future olympic competition perfect. Behind the proteges of national coach norbert loch, italy and russia took the other podium places.

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