Discovering new things together

Discovering new things together

Padagogue johanna meier begins her service today 1. Marz and will perform her duties for the parishes of weisendorf and rezelsdorf, as well as for kairlindach. The pastor of weisendorf, wilfried lechner-schmidt, was able to welcome to the service, alongside the deanery's school officer, pastor dr. Jurgen belz, and numerous believers also family members of the pedagogue as well as a five-headed refugee family from iraq buried. "Today is a special day for our church community", said the pastor of weisendorf at his funeral. With the words: "we come to god as we are and do not have to hide our dark sides from god and admit our faults", the pastor opened the service. So jesus receive all the people of this world into his kingdom and that they may live together in peace.
Johanna meier was also accepted into the church congregation, fulfilling a dream of hers. After her training, the padagogue always dreamed of getting a job in a church congregation and contributing her ideas as well as trying out new things. The school speaker quoted from the illustrated children's book "komm, wir finden einen schatz" ("come, let's find a treasure") (the story of janosch, in which the little bar and the little tiger search the happiness of the earth). As janosch describes in his book, there are many new treasures to be discovered. In his illustrations, janosch also shows the curiosity that is the beginning of everything. "This also applies to them, because there is a lot to discover and they want to do that, too, and it fits in with their future task", jurgen belz turned to johanne meier.
The 26-year-old community pedagogue then introduced herself to the church community in person. "I find it exciting to travel with children and young people. I am not only enthusiastic about leisure trips, but also about intellectual journeys and playful philosophizing about questions of life and faith", explained meier. She brings energy, joie de vivre, creativity and many ideas with her to weisendorf. Despite many new ideas and new ways, however, the previous ones should also be appreciated and respected. "It is very important to me to connect the generations, because every human being can be valuable for others in every situation", explained johanna meier. And about herself she says: "I am spontaneous and flexible and I am happy to discover new things together with the believers and especially with the children and young people and to continue what I have started.
With the reading from luke 9 johanna meier also proved her ability to perform. The festive service was framed by the protestant trombone choir under the direction of dieter schmerler and the readings were given by two confirmands. Johanna meier studied religious education and church education work and then worked in munich as a religious education teacher. In two munich parishes, she led groups and various projects, especially in confirmation work, children's bible days, nativity plays and family camps. After the service, the faithful had the opportunity to get to know the community educator better at a reception.

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