Capital city airport: fire protection tests were successful

Capital city airport: fire protection tests were successful

This was announced by spokesman ralf kunkel. Despite simulated power failures, the smoke was safely dissipated without penetrating other floors.

With the four "heibgas smoke tests," it was possible to expand from 10.00 a.M. To 4 p.M.00 a.M. Part of the fire protection system in the airport’s north main pier is inspected. The measurement results were evaluated in detail in the coming weeks, it said. Whether the airport will be able to open its doors as planned on august 17 depends to a large extent on the functionality of the fire protection system. The airport can be opened on march 2013.

Contrary to what has been widely reported so far, this was not a test "under full load" or a "composite test," explained kunkel. This will only be possible after the completion of construction work at the end of the year. This was followed by the acceptance of the facility by the building regulations office of the responsible district of dahme-spreewald at the beginning of 2013.

Among other things, the airport’s new technical director, horst amann, wanted to use the test to gain an impression of the status of the project. Amann officially takes office on 1. August and will be presented to the supervisory board of the airport company at 16. Report on its assessment of the project on august 17 as planned. This will determine whether the current schedule can be maintained until the opening date on 17 december. March 2013 is to be held. There had been considerable doubts about this over the past few weeks.

Problems with the highly complex fire protection system in the spring prevented the BER airport from opening on schedule on 3. June prevented. The evaluation of the latest test results is expected to take two to three weeks, so could be completed by the supervisory board meeting in mid august. According to kunkel, the review will be the last one before the supervisory board meeting.

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