Local board of the wunderburger csu throws in the towel

Local board of the wunderburger csu throws in the towel

The bamberg CSU can't catch a break. Your 5. Local association, responsible for the district of wunderburg-gereuth, needs a new board team in the near future. First chairman hans-jurgen eichfelder, two of his three deputies – wolfgang mayer and konrad wachtler, who is also local chairman – and treasurer peter ochs will be stepping down at the end of june.

They feel that as representatives of the grassroots, they are not being taken seriously by the CSU city council faction headed by helmut muller, and in particular by the district chairman and city councilor christian lange.

The way the faction deals with suggestions, requests and submissions from them is extremely unsatisfactory, eichfelder explains the step. This always leads to the political opponent taking up CSU issues and "exploiting them for media effect".

Letter handed in at the office
The decision to resign was communicated by the four in a letter dated 10 january 2009. June of the CSU leadership with. Eichfelder says he delivered the letter himself to the district association's office on monday. By thursday, he had not yet received a response or answer.

District chairman christian lange as well as his deputy professor gerhard seitz could not be reached for the FT on thursday.

The chairman of the CSU city council faction, helmut muller, signaled relief rather than regret over eichfelder's move. Allegedly, the 36-year-old gartner from the egelseestrabe "is difficult" and have a mind of their own. Muller also said he believes other CSU officials will also be rather happy about eichfelder's departure from the party. According to muller, it had been known for some time that he wanted to give up his post.

The 36-year-old had only been persuaded in march to run again for the chairmanship of the wunderburg-gereuth local association because no one else had been willing to do so. A few weeks later, he and three other board members quit for good. They could no longer support the CSU policy in bamberg. And they accuse the county executive of populism.

ICE route as a drop too much
The famous straw that seems to have broken the camel's back for the four is the CSU's stance on ICE. From the media, one had to learn "that 'we', i.E. The bamberg CSU as a whole, had ruled out a so-called eastern bypass as a possible planning option". A serious and responsible approach "to this enormously important and promising topic for bamberg" a different idea at the top of the local executive committee. From his point of view, it would be wrong to "exclude serious options for a route from the outset and thus negate possible alternative decisions".

Hans-jurgen eichfelder is leaving the local association and the CSU, but is by no means a political maniac. He even wanted to implement his ideas of good politics in the next city council. As he confirms, he wants to run on a list that the former CSU city councilor and gaustadt burgerverein chairwoman daniela reinfelder is currently preparing for the municipal elections in march 2014.

Meanwhile, in wunderburg, city councilor elfriede eichfelder wants to lead the local association on a provisional basis. She was at the helm of the association for ten years until 2009 and is still acting as its deputy chairwoman today. Like you, the writer and the four assessors are still in office.

Unlike helmut muller, however, elfriede eichfelder regrets that her namesake is quitting. The 68-year-old CSU woman was, in her own words, very pleased with the much younger successor and with the fact that he had "tried to bring in a bit of zest"." But that is, as the almost 37-year old erwerbsgartner stated in a conversation with the local editorial office, "probably not wanted".

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