Treunitzers help themselves

"Almost blackmail", called council member hans-jurgen brehm (huppendorf) the request of his treunitz colleague jurgen munch in the konigsfeld council meeting in may 2018. Munch presented a rough cost estimate for the renovation of the treunitz village hall, according to which 7200 euros in material costs would be incurred. In order to save on labor costs, the citizens of treunitz agreed to help out as much as possible themselves.

After critical votes of some council colleagues munch said "then the hat should just collapse". But it probably won't be: in the most recent meeting, the rumors calmed down and the councillors unanimously approved financial support of up to 10,000 euros. The dispute in may was over whether the hut needed to be renovated at all. Some council members spoke out in favor of a partial rather than a full renovation. "The people of treunitz are not prepared to accept stagnation", said munch afterwards. The majority of council members eventually called for munch's rough cost estimate to be fleshed out with written bids from the firms.

This has now been implemented. A specialist carpentry firm explained in a statement that partial renovation was not possible because the stability of the building was no longer ensured by construction work on the roof. For the complete renovation, the company estimates costs of about 17 500 euros. However, because the village community agreed to carry out most of the work itself, with only technical support from a carpenter, the cost fell to around 9,000 euros. The councillors finally voted to contribute a maximum of 10,000 euros to pay for the material and the expert. "The village community of treunitz takes over all further work", the decision was made.

"Many fire stations have also been renovated with the help of the citizens", says mayor gisela hofmann. "I have great respect for that! Here it still works with the village community", she is pleased. The fact that munch's cost estimate in may was lower is due, according to hofmann, to the fact that more wood is needed than was assumed at the time. And why this time there was no more dispute? "The local councils have realized that the renovation of the hall is important for the citizens", she says.

The village hall in treunitz will be used as a storage room for tables, benches, a chipper and levelling boards. The treunitz fire department also uses the hall for storage. 

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