Speeding bikers remain an issue

Speeding bikers remain an issue

For the fourth extraordinary meeting during the corona crisis, mayor helmut kramer (CSU/unity) buried nine market town council members in the oertelscheune barn.

The administration had to obtain the permission of the market town councils to sign the present agreements with the state of bavaria. It was about the expansion of the tiefenpolz through road and the expansion of the oberleinleiter through road. "99 percent of the work is already done," said anke kraasz, carried kramer forward. Sewer, water and broadband conduits have been laid and the roads have been rehabilitated. In tiefenpolz, costs of 304,000 euros were incurred, of which 228,500 euros were borne by the state of bavaria.

For the planning and organization by the market municipality this still receives a five-percent lump sum in height of 11 425 euro. In oberleinleiter construction costs of almost 1.1 million euros had been incurred. The state of bavaria accounted for 388,500 euros of this total. And also here the market community receives a lump sum in the amount of 19445 euro. The agreement was approved by the council.

"At the moment it is quiet, because relatively few motorcyclists are on the road", kramer continued and informed the board about two letters from burgers living in wischbergstrabe. The author stated that he was a motorcyclist himself. He complained that drivers were going too fast, accelerating loudly and making risky overtaking maneuvers. The burger believes that the restriction to 70 kilometers per hour is pointless and recommended the administration to become a member of the association "silent rider" to be.

"Are there any costs??", asked hans goller (SPD). Helmut kramer could not answer this and said that it would make more sense to ask the police to carry out more checks again. Peter landendorfer (WG) agreed and spoke against joining a private association: "the macceptances by official bodies are sufficient. When you have crazy people, the only way to get them out is through law enforcement."

Only police can make a difference

Anke kraasz had before a decision first more information uber the mentioned association had. Therefore, managing director rudiger schmidt searched on the internet the homepage of the association. It turned out that a reception fee of 5,000 euros was incurred. "This is a good reason to cancel", said anke kraasz. Georg bittel (BN) suggested to have a stationary speed monitoring device installed.

Here goller objected that this is not easily possible. He also lives in the wischbergstrabe and does not notice the noise on his closed balcony. "Because you listen as badly as i do", peter landendorfer interjected, and goller replied: "no, that’s my wife." In the end, everyone agreed that only the police can make a meaningful difference against lambing by motorcyclists.

After that, the council decided to prepare the erection of another mobile phone mast near oberngrub. The market community receives 500,000 euros to improve mobile radio coverage. A mobile radio provider had made investigations and recommends to erect the fourth radio mast near oberngrub – three are already there.

Georg bittel objected that the citizens of burgen wanted to be informed first, for example, whether they had suffered from increased radiation exposure. "I understand the people. We want to decide with the burghers and not alone in a quiet chamber", kramer said, pointing out how important cell phones are in today’s world. Therefore, there will first be a burgers’ meeting, then contracts with the cooperation partners are to be approached.

At the end, mayor kramer informed that the city and county of bamberg have been awarded the title of educational region. And the board decided to extend the deadline for the annual financial statements of the broadband company from march to june.

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