“Munich is nice, but franconia is nicer”

Bavaria has declared 2013 the year of bavarian castles and palaces. On friday, the bamberger "new residence" was the main attraction in the spotlight. With an "open door day, the finance minister markus soder opened, the free state also wanted to the bamberger "glanzlicht" draw attention. Because, the minister emphasized, bavaria has more culture to offer than just "ludwig II".-locksmith" like neuschwanstein or herrenchiemsee.

"The new bamberg residence is something very special for bavaria. The largest secular monument in bamberg is located in the heart of the old town, which has been a UNESCO world heritage site since 1993, underlined soder. It is an image of bavarian-french history and a popular tourist attraction. In the last ten years alone, more than 300,000 visitors have taken a look at the historic rooms.

Therefore, the free state will also invest heavily in the bamberg monument. "In recent years, we have already provided about 4.5 million euros for the renovation and maintenance of the new residence. But in the next ten years, we will invest another 21 million euro."

Around 16 million euros are to be spent on restoring the state rooms, and around five million euros will be spent on energy and technical modernization. The restoration of the "prince-bishop’s living quarters" is to begin for more than 730 000 euro, the restoration of the "konig-otto-room for about 450.000 euros and the facade and roof renovation "schonbornbau" for 1.7 million euros.

"Currently", as markus soder described "must be done i let myself be accused, especially by the opposition, of financially neglecting munich and the upper bavarians. But I take this reproach as praise." Because the people of munich and upper bavaria had had enough, now it was the turn of french projects like universities or cultural assets like the new residence. In general soder sees himself as a committed campaigner and advocate for the frankenland. "Munich is already, but franconia is more beautiful", emphasized the finance minister, who is based in nurnberg.

The open house was very well received. For the opening alone, hundreds of visitors flocked to the staterooms of the residence and the rose garden. Among them were numerous children who took part in one of the children’s tours and were able to talk to the "servant" the prince bishop had discovered many an unknown corner of the world.

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