Union criticizes: fobbed off with temporary job

Despite good situation at the

Too many people in the district of bad kissingen still only have a temporary job on the labor market. IG bauen-agrar-umwelt criticizes the bill.

The union refers to current figures from the microcensus. According to the report, about 12,000 employees in the main-rhon area currently have a temporary employment contract. That is 5.6 percent of all employees in the region.

"It is unacceptable that companies continue to rely so heavily on fixed-term contracts despite the good situation on the labor market. The federal government must now get serious about its promise and introduce temporary contracts into law", demands michael groha of IG bau mainfranken, in a letter to the press. "If you want to start a family or get a loan for your own apartment or car, you don’t need a shaky start, you need a secure job", said the chairman of the IG bau district.

Building cleaning is one of the sectors in which fixed-term contracts are particularly widespread. Women in particular suffer from unstable working conditions here. In their coalition agreement, the CDU/CSU and the SPD had stipulated that fixed-term employment

Concrete factual reason, according to the IG bauen-agrar-umwelt (union for construction, agriculture and the environment).

In companies with more than 75 employees, such temporary contracts should in future be limited to a maximum of 2.5 percent of the workforce. Federal labor minister hubertus heil (SPD) wants to present a draft law on the subject before the summer recess.

Until now, a fixed-term employment contract without objective reason was in principle allowed for up to two years. During this period, a fixed-term employment contract can usually be extended a maximum of three times

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