Lutzi-festival-team builds waldhutte for the children

At the annual general meeting of the kindergarten association st. Dionys rottershausen, chairman simone herbst was able to report a lot of positive things about the course of the last year. The daycare center is well positioned in terms of space, finances and personnel. Unfortunately, only a few kindergarten parents were present. The general assembly was attended by 18 members of the association.

New board of directors

This year the new elections of the board of directors were held. 2. Chairwoman simone seufert and secretary vanessa schmitt did not stand for election again. Simone herbst loved to run again for the post of 1. Chairman, thomas rauh stood as a candidate for the office of the 2. Chairman. Cynthia gebner lieb also stood again as treasurer, and katrin stefan ran for the office of secretary.
Simone seufert and vanessa schmitt stood for election as treasurers. All were elected unanimously and accepted the election. Furthermore vanessa schmitt takes over the office of the delegate for the club community. The 2. Chairwoman simone seufert, who read out the activity report of the board, thanked in particular the educators and child care workers for their commitment and the very good work in the past year. Thanks also went to the parents' council for their commitment, good support and for organizing this year's children's carnival. She also thanked the municipality for the smooth cooperation and financial support.

Donation and commitment

A special thanks went to the "lutzi festival team, who not only donated for the construction of a forest hut for the children, but also took care of the construction of the hut. Here a special thanks to the company andreas seidl and peter wetterich. In conclusion, she thanked her colleagues on the board for the good cooperation over the past three years.

Own website planned

"There was a lot to do", said simone seufert in her summary of the last three years of board work. Among other things, a separate toddler tube area was built. A handicapped accessible stairway to the play and festival hall was built and the play hall was repainted. In addition, a new computer was purchased, and soon there will also be an internet site for the rottershausen kindergarten.
Mayor franz kuhn and councillor dieter werner thanked the board of directors for their work, which involves a lot of sacrificed free time. Despite all the work in the kindergarten, the board has always been present at VG meetings and has also helped with events outside the kindergarten. They wished the new board all the best and a good cooperation.
Also robert erhard, 3. The mayor and chairman of the VG did not miss the opportunity to thank him by e-mail. He wrote that it is by far no longer a self-runner to move something voluntarily. A lot is demanded of the board of directors, the kindergarten is like a small company.
Local councillor martin greubel wished the new board all the best. He added that the parents should take into account that all decisions are made in the best interest of the children. Finally, chairwoman simone herbst thanked her departing colleagues on the board for their excellent cooperation and the wonderful time they had spent together. She is now looking forward to working with the successors.

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