Rate hold on temporary parking regulation

The sommerach town council dealt with a large number of building applications on monday evening. Among other things, it was about an application for permission from the municipality to renovate a historic enclosure wall at the main gate in sommerach. The building project has been approved – however, the company still wants to wait for the opinion of the consulting office schlicht lamprecht. The council also gave the go-ahead for four other building applications, subject to conditions and comments.

There were no major discussions on the temporary parking regulations for 2019 in the old town of sommerach. Also because this rule has been successfully implemented since 2016. The parking regulation process, says mayor elmar henke, is supported by the people. The basis for this is the municipal order issued by the 4. May to 27. October provides for the following rule. On saturdays from 2 p.M. To 8 p.M. On sundays and on holidays from 11 a.M. To 8 p.M. There is a general parking ban on public areas and roads.

According to henke, this does not apply to through traffic and the use of parking spaces for the disabled. The supervision of the order is transferred to the traffic control dettelbach. Parking spaces close to the village are available for residents and guests in gartenstrabe, schwarzacher tor and nordheimer strabe. In addition, the parking spaces are marked with the sign "parking" the mayor announced. The decision regarding the aforementioned parking regulation was unanimous.

Further it was about the installation of a new heating system in the benefiziatenhaus. As is known, the municipality of sommerach acquired this building in 2015. The building currently houses the bookshop on the first floor and the rooms of the catholic boys’ club in the basement. As a result of a technical inspection, the mayor said, there will be a switch from oil-fired heating to gas condensing technology in the future. The most favorable offer was made by robert then, a company based in sommerach, which will carry out the renovation of the heating system and the conversion to gas-fired condensing boiler technology at a bid price of 12,800 euros.

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