New construction area takes the next hurdle

The kitzingen city council had to make numerous decisions at its meeting on thursday evening. Security in the city’s data exchange played the most important role in the presentation by head of department wolfgang zurrlein and his colleague christian stark from the IT department. Her proposal to connect the offices to the central servers in the city hall with a fiber-optic cable was unanimously approved by the committee.

Fire department: one deputy remains

The city council had to make a decision about the number of deputy commanders in the volunteer fire department. The on 16. October’s resolution, which entrusted this decision to the fire department to appoint one or two deputies, was not admissible. This decision was annulled. After the majority spoke out against the election of two deputies (7:19), the previous rule with one deputy continues to exist.

Deusterpark hall ready in april

The contract for the sports flooring in the two-field school gymnasium in deusterpark was awarded to the wilms company from wiesentheid. With the most economical offer the offer sum with approximately 113 700 euro lay scarcely under the computed costs. The equipment for sports equipment was awarded to the gotthilf benz gymnastics equipment factory in winnenden, germany. However, the only offer of 113,600 euros was about one third higher than the calculated costs. The completion of the sports hall, including the commissioning, is planned for april of next year.

The council also approved the purchase of a new coarse-blade sickle mower, as the previous maher can no longer be repaired following numerous repairs. In order to be able to place the order this year and receive the maher next march, it was necessary to start the replacement planned for next year earlier.

New training hall

In principle, the council expressed its agreement with the plan to add an additional training hall to the sickergrundhalle as part of the general renovation project. This could cost around 1.5 million euros. However, as there were too many unanswered questions about the possible use of the site, the council agreed to clarify these until february and only then decide whether the additional hall should actually be built. By then, the building authority would like to present a precise plan and the costs for the renovation of the triple sports hall. In addition, the fee statutes for the artificial turf pitch at the sickergrund sports center were approved.

Graber in southeast orientation

Due to an existing soil monument on the expansion area to the new cemetery, the city council unanimously followed the administration’s proposal to no longer pursue the designation of a burial area for muslim burials. Instead, the grave sites available there will be examined to determine whether they at least meet the southeast orientation required for a muslim burial.

Second attempt for construction area

The amended draft of the "sudlicher hammerstielweg" land-use plan was unanimously approved in the second round of voting. In may, the administrative and building committee had not yet passed this resolution because of the opinion of an owner of two parcels of land adjacent to the site. He had objected to the fact that his two properties were not included in the development plan. The city, which had previously tried unsuccessfully to acquire the plots, objected to this unequal treatment.

After approval, the documents will again be made available to the public for a period of one month. The start of the construction of the roads in the new construction area is aimed by the administration in the spring of next year.

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