Tradition and species-appropriate husbandry

Because of the pandemic, the breeders of poultry in rezelsdorf have also had a "thirsty period", because there were neither shows nor events with and around the poultry. After the restrictions were loosened, after the break now in the exhibition hall now the central franconian district show, rezelsdorfer flugelschau and jubilaumsschau, could be connected with the 72nd anniversary of the district show. District show of the kreisiii erlangen take place. For the breeders association rezelsdorf 1971 e.V. (RZGV) it was the 50. Local show, which was also declared a "robert lunz memorial show. The association was founded in 1971 in the lunz country inn of the late 84-year-old honorary member and senior citizens’ association host and initiator robert lunz. In its premises the events took place in the founding years and until the construction of the wing hall of the association also the first pigeon and wing markets took place.

Animal welfare in practice

The chairman buried among other things burgermeister karl-heinz hertlein, the circle chairman jochen sperber and honorary chairman klaus neudecker. For mayor karl-heinz hertlein, handling animals is practicing animal welfare and demonstrates respect for nature and shows that animal husbandry and breeding in harmony with species-appropriate husbandry are not opposites. In his greeting, the mayor praised the association’s commitment to the market community and, in particular, its outstanding work with young people .

"We can count ourselves lucky that our exhibition can take place at all. This was no longer certain in the last few days, as the situation with covid-19 has worsened further and, to make matters worse, bird flu is on the rise," emphasized chairman christoph hauslschmid at the opening of the exhibition with 560 animals .

Already on friday eight judges and judges were in rezelsdorf , to evaluate the animals. This can also be seen from the excellent grades and shows the high standard of the breeders. The prizes will be awarded on 11. December in the country inn lunz ubergeben. In the jubilee year 2021 the RZGV pays 224 members with the seniors and 53 youths . That’s why the association’s management is optimistic about the future.

Animal welfare and the appropriate treatment of animals is a special concern of the club members and is continued by an active youth department. In addition to the connection to the local tradition, the focus is on the joy of animals.

The members of the rezelsdorf association are all committed small animal keepers, expert breeders or animal lovers with a certificate of competence. Animal welfare and the appropriate treatment of traded animals is a special concern for the association and is continued by an active youth department.

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