The wall will soon fall – at least in autenhausen

At the road leading from the center of autenhausen in the direction of gleismuthhausen, hendrik dressel (freie wahler), chairman of the district building committee, spoke plainly. "Slowly it becomes criminal", said dressel, who is also mayor of seblach, and led his colleagues to the retaining wall in bergstrabe. The stones are piling up and the slope is pushing the stairs up to the church further and further into the street.

When the CO20 county road in autenhausen will be rehabilitated in the inner city is still in the stars, even after the site visit of the construction committee. For 2017, the part of the project has been on the schedule so far, but hendrik dressel would like to move it up a bit. The matter will probably not be cheap, because the district will have to rehabilitate not only the road in autenhausen, but also the retaining wall, which is over two meters high in places.

"The wall belongs to the responsibility of the road construction company", assured district chamberman gerhard lehrfeld, who had made himself smart in this point extra before the building committee meeting. Hans-joachim knauer (head of the civil engineering office at the district administration office) was unable to say how much the rehabilitation would cost: "we haven't even done any preliminary investigations yet."

A strabe like before
The heilgersdorf through road presented itself to the committee members without an expensive retaining wall, but not much better in terms of the condition of the road. And the first (bad) impression did not change, as hans-joachim knauer assured: "we have here almost the original condition as in the 50s and 60s." Although the city of seblach has partially spruced up the sidewalks after relocating utility lines, a total of the CO6 in the seblach district is in a miserable condition. "We can no longer keep up with the maintenance", knauer made clear.

The head of the civil engineering office received a nod to his wish to have the ground in heilgersdorf examined in detail at least once. Because one thing is already clear there: if the road is rehabilitated from the ground up, a whole mountain of tar-containing material awaits the county. "This must be taken out and disposed of", hans-joachim knauer made clear. It was clear to everyone that this would not be a cheap venture.

An important bridge
At the express wish of hendrik dressel, the construction committee made an unscheduled stop shortly after heilgersdorf. There, the bridge over the rodach has been restricted to one lane and a maximum load of 30 tons for quite some time already. "An untenable condition", said dressel – if only because there is a logistics company in schloss wiesen with up to 120 vehicle movements a day. The latter is still faithful to its location, but for very heavy transports it has to take a detour to the nearby state road. There were certainly some projects that had been scheduled earlier, said dressel, referring among other things to the county road bridge near kleinwalbur, which could not have been of such great economic significance for a county district.

A mountain that slides
The 621 vehicle owners who statistically drive on the watzendorfer berg every day will notice it: the road is getting worse and worse. Nevertheless, hendrik dressel hinted that from seblach's point of view, he could well wait a little longer for the 900-meter-long stretch of road up toward watzendorf – in favor of the wiesener rodachbrucke or the CO20 in autenhausen. Head of the civil engineering office hans-joachim knauer was not entirely comfortable with waiting any longer: "the road is slipping away from us more and more." In the past few months, the cracks and shifts have become much rougher, knauer asserted.

In order not to have such a financial surprise as the "bischwinder berg" to experience, at least one unified signal came from the district building committee to the district administration: it would make sense to examine the building site in detail as soon as possible. Then they would be in a position to at least make a financial contribution to the expansion of the road.

Weidach still has to wait
the local thoroughfare coming from wiesenfeld (kreisstrabe CO4) must be completely renovated, at least in the medium term. However – as the weitramsdorf mayor christian gunsenheimer (freie wahler) made clear – people in the community are not even that "keen" on tennis for the entire road to be extended to wiesenfeld. "Otherwise we'll get even more heavy traffic", suspected gunsenheimer. But in the inner city, an expansion would be very welcome. Always, according to a 2010 figure, there were a total of 1585 cars driving there every day – but there were also once 1856 (2000).

Bad rodach's worst county road
Even though mayor tobias ehrlicher (SPD) speaks of the "worst district road in the city" the rehabilitation of the CO 4 will probably not be brought forward from 2015 at the earliest. The central point will be to improve the crossing area of the "schmuckerwiese with the CO4 especially for fubganger to defuse. At least: the temporary traffic light, which was set up there by the county many years ago, has been absolutely preserved,

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